Starting on a New Adventure!

 Saturday, August 26, 2023

The trip began with an auspicious sighting of a peacock alongside Gunn Highway!! Then Betsy kindly let me park in her driveway once again and she delivered me into Delta's care.  The flight to Atlanta takes less time than I spent getting to the airport and waiting for the plane! And the omens continue - it is a fully-booked flight but the middle seat next to me is empty! After a flawless landing Ginger met me outside and away we went.

I entertain myself at the airport looking for interesting patterns.
This is the carpet!

The Atlanta airport has interesting things to see, too!

The kids are all at Ben and Elizabeth's house where they are recovering from spending the day at Six Flags.  David is sacked out bur Iori and Sakurako are going strong, wrestling, blowing bubbles, and generally entertaining all the grown ups!

Soon hunger sets in and a change of venue is necessary.  It's so cool that Ben and Elizabeth (and David, of course!) live so close to Ginger!!

The kids seem to like the little gifts I brought them!

So cool to see everyone together.

So one of the games I brought needed a little instruction!

Ginger's Lego globe

The little Lite Brit kit was a hit!

We go back to Ginger's house for spaghetti with clam sauce, Andy's favorite, and a rousing game of Skip-Bo before David and his parents head home and to bed.  Andy teaches his guys to play Coup, and interesting game of deceit and trickery, and pretty soon Ginger and I are the only ones still visible!  And just to keep things interesting there seems to be a tropical storm/hurricane heading for Tampa Bay!  Ole and Stu tell me not to worry.  They'll batten down the hatches if need be.  We'll see what the next day or two bring.

Tomorrow is Andy and the kids' last full day, since they fly home to Japan early Monday morning.  Sigh.  Sure glad I got to see them!


  1. It is great to see everyone, even if just as photos. How can all the kids get so grown up?

    1. It's kind of scary how fast they grow!! Just like your grands!


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